Our Services

Providing comprehensive care and support for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities

Our wide and comprehensive range of services to Meet Your Needs

Our goal at KES Care Center is to provide comprehensive and individualized care and treatment to those who are intellectually and developmentally disabled. To meet this goal, we offer a range of services that are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual under our care. 

Our services are designed to enhance their quality of life, promote independence, and foster personal growth. We are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to our clients and their families. Explore our services below to learn more about how we can assist you.

Foster / Companion Care

Our foster care/companion care program provides compassionate care and support for individuals who need companionship, supervision, and assistance with daily tasks. Our trained caregivers provide in-home care and support as needed to promote the health and well-being of our clients.


We understand the importance of taking a break from caregiving responsibilities. That’s why we offer respite services to provide temporary relief to caregivers. Our trained and experienced staff can step in to care for your loved one while you take some time for yourself. We offer flexible scheduling and personalized care to ensure that both you and your loved one are comfortable and satisfied.

Residential Support

Our residential support services provide 24/7 care and supervision for individuals who are not able to live independently due to intellectual disabilities. We provide a safe and comfortable environment where our clients can receive the support they need to live full and meaningful lives.

Day Habilitation

Our day habilitation program provides structured activities and programs to promote socialization, learning, and personal growth in a supportive and safe environment.

Physical Therapy

Our physical therapy services help individuals improve their mobility, strength, and flexibility. We provide assessments, therapy sessions, and home exercises as needed to help our clients achieve their physical therapy goals.

 In addition to our core services, we also provide opportunities for clients to explore and participate in activities that support their physical, emotional, and social well-being. These include but are not limited to

Adoptive Aids

Our adaptive aids services are designed to help individuals with disabilities live more independently and comfortably. We offer a range of equipment and devices, such as wheelchair ramps, grab bars, and specialized seating, to improve mobility and accessibility. Our team works closely with clients to assess their needs and develop customized solutions to fit their unique situations. 


Our audiology services provide hearing assessments and hearing aid fittings as needed to promote better hearing health.

Behavioral Support

Our behavioral support services provide individualized strategies and interventions to help individuals manage challenging behaviors. We work closely with our clients and their families to develop positive behavior support plans that promote a safe and healthy environment for all.


Our dental services provide routine cleanings, fillings, and other dental care as needed to promote good oral health.


Our dietary services provide nutrition assessments, meal planning, and support as needed to help our clients maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Supervised Living

Our supervised living program offers a range of housing options for individuals who need some level of support and supervision, but who are able to live more independently than those in our residential support program. We provide personalized care plans and support services to help our clients thrive in their homes.


Our nursing services include assessments, medication management, and medical treatments as needed. Our licensed nurses work closely with our clients and their families to develop individualized care plans that address their specific health needs.

Occupational Therapy

Our occupational therapy services focus on helping individuals develop the skills and abilities they need to live as independently as possible. We provide assessments, therapy sessions, and home modifications as needed to help our clients achieve their goals.

Speech/Language Therapy

Our speech/language therapy services help individuals develop communication skills and overcome speech/language disorders. We provide assessments, therapy sessions, and home exercises as needed to help our clients achieve their speech/language therapy goals.

Social Work

Our social work services aim to enhance the social functioning and overall well-being of individuals and families. Our licensed social workers provide counseling, support, and resources to help clients achieve their goals and navigate life’s challenges.

Supportive Home Living

Our supportive home living program provides in-home care and support services for individuals who wish to remain in their own homes. Our caregivers provide assistance with daily tasks, medication management, and other support as needed.

Minor Home Modifications

Our minor home modifications program provides home adaptations and modifications to improve accessibility and safety in the home.

Transforming Lives Through Care and Support

At KES Care Center, we are committed to providing high-quality services that make a difference in the lives of our clients. Whether you need residential support, foster care, or any of our other services, our team of professionals is here to help. We understand the challenges you may be facing, and we are dedicated to providing the support and care you need to live your best life.

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